I Made These 6 Changes to Make Working at My Desk Pain-Free

A desk job is no fun when you are in constant pain. You don’t want this pain to affect your life outside of work, so here are some tips to help you work pain-free and enjoy your off-work hours.

Ditch the lumbar support and start sitting more actively

This probably sounds like a hot idea, but it’s not. Lumbar support is a band-aid solution just like arch support in shoes. The natural arch in your back doesn’t come from conforming to the shape on a chair, it comes from the strength of your lower back.

The more you rely on lumbar support, the weaker your lower back muscles will be. You don’t want this because it will affect other life activities. Even something as simple as lifting a box will start to hurt or increase the risk of injury. Although there are great office chairs out there, looking after your back is never the sole responsibility of a chair.

Try to remind yourself to sit more actively. The worst thing you can do is stay in the same position for too long; if something starts to hurt, move around a bit and change your position and make yourself comfortable again. As many therapists say: “The best posture is your next posture.”

Get a footrest

If your feet aren’t firmly planted on the ground, or your upper body has to be compromised to do so, you need a footrest.

Footrests are underrated, and maybe even underrated. However, they are one of the best things you can do for your desk work. Elevating your knees a bit or keeping them at a better height can also prevent sciatica and body pain. The extra comfort and stability allows you to focus on your work before you make your next little position change.

If you want to take it a step further, you can get a footrest that allows you to move. Ironically, my distraction-free writing space has a footswing I can play with which actually helps me focus. Although I initially thought it would cause instability, it still does a good job of elevating my knees a bit and has not been a problem. Moving with the swing keeps me stimulated and less prone to distractions while working.

Stand up or use a treadmill

If there is one thing that is guaranteed to make you move around and be more active in your posture, it is standing up. Using a treadmill will really up the level of active work experience.

Although standing for long periods of time is also not good as you are more prone to developing varicose veins, the option of standing or even walking by using an adjustable standing desk is best for your health and body pain. Since you are already standing, it will also be much easier to drink water and stay hydrated. Sitting makes it too easy to stay seated and too lazy to stand up – this is an unhealthy feedback loop that is the root cause of a lot of body pain.

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